
Thomas More App, the app created by 2ICT, for Thomas More, during their project week.

Category: webdesign



During the project week of 2ICT, our team needed to create an App for Thomas More. More than 20 students were given five days to complete the App.

We divided ourselves into smaller project teams. One team was responsible for the UI, another one for the navigation and planning. One team needed to make sure we had a server and network connectivity. And finally we also had a WebDev team which was responsible for creating an awesome looking website.

I was the teamlead for the WebDev team and together with Eric and Jannick, we created a custom responsive website for the Tomas More App.


The site actually has a huge backend where all the data is managed, which is then visible into the Thomas More App.

With only four days to do the actual development, we worked as hard and fast as we could and we managed to deliver the website on time.

The backend contains all the accounts, rights, kitchen menu’s and room management.

We made it possible to give each group (kitchen, room managers, teachers) their own rights and permissions on the website.

To make sure the application could be used, we made sure we could easily sync the user accounts from Thomas More with our application.

