Yesterday we went to Brno, the second largest city in the Czech Republic. We woke up at 7 o’clock to be on time for our bus, which would leave at 8 o’clock. By 7.50 Arne, his girlfriend and his parents were already at the bus station waiting for Stanley, Angelo and me. They arrived here on Friday and we thought it would be a great idea if we could take them with us to Brno.
When we finally arrived in Brno we noticed that the weather looked great! It was a bit cold but it was sunny.
Our first stop was the technical museum of Brno. It is the largest museum of the region and represents themes from the development of science and technology. In the first part, we looked at some old-timers. It was impressive to see and we also learned that they used to drive left on the road.

Our next stop were the motorcycles. They had set-up an old motorcycle on which you could sit. Then the personnel would turn on some fans so it looked like you were driving at high speeds (without a helmet).
And finally we also saw some old steam engines which was nice to see how they used to work.
Around 12.30 we all got a bit hungry and decided to go to the centre square. There we ate something and walked around on the Easter market. We then climbed up the hill to see the Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul up close. In the park nearby there was a couple getting married. I must admit, it is a really nice place to get married.

Afterwards we went to the stores. Because I was still looking for something to buy for my girlfriend back in Belgium. So we entered a store and I immediately found something which I could buy, so I did. But I am not going to spoil what I have bought, or at least not completely.

Meanwhile Stanley also found something for him. He did not buy the sunglasses from the picture, but he did buy some I-can-see-behind-me sunglasses, which are also pretty cool if you ask me.
By now we still had a couple of hours before taking our bus back to Zlin. Thus we decided to go to “Caffe Vergnano” and have something to drink.
And in the evening we decided to go eat at “our” typical Czech restaurant, “U Janků”. The waitress was happy to see us again. And she even remembered our drinks. We also try to teach her a bit English and I think it works quite well. By the end of our internship she will speak fluent English.